Two members of the collective receive death threats

Press release of the International Collective Sankara 2007



Musician and radio host, Sama Karim, best known as Sams’K Le Jah has received two death threats by e-mail on April 18 th and 28th respectively. Sams’K’s programs are dedicated to reggae music but he is considered a ray of conscience and consistently denounces the ills of the regime.

The first message stated: " We have killed Thomas Sankara, he didn’t get anything, we have struck down Norbert Zongo, he did not get anything. Your turn will soon come. ..You must understand that president Compaoré is a divine benediction. Instead of criticizing his development initiatives, one should instead contribute to the edification of our country.

On Friday April 27th, Sams’K  returned to his show in the evening  and the next morning, he received a new message. "Tell your "PDG" (Director of the radio station)  that if he does not want his house to collapse on him, he need only get you out of his house because the grenades and the rocket launchers are not beyond us to make the building collapse on you on a Friday at 8pm.. You must know that your complaint to the police does not make sense to the extent that it’s not low-ranking police officers that will kill you but senior-level officers.

Sams’K is an active member of our international collective. He released a CD in December 2006 called "A candle for Thomas Sankara". He is a militant engaged in popularizing the ideas of Thomas Sankara.

Mr. Aziz Fall, coordinator of the International Committee Justice for Sankara and a member of our collective, has also received several threatening letters in his mail box in Canada.

In both cases, complaints have been filed with the police and will follow their natural course.

But, it is the entire collective that is being targeted.

We hope nonetheless to draw attention to the candidacy at the legislature, on the lists of CDP, the governing party of Hyacinth Kafando, head of the group which assassinated Thomas Sankara.

We consider this an additional measure of intimidation and provocation against the people of Burkina Faso who are mobilizing for the anniversary and all those who demand Justice for Thomas Sankara.

We are doing all we can to ensure that this matter is largely known outside of Burkina Faso and so that a solidarity movement will develop and support these two members of our collective.

We reaffirm that we will not give into any intimidation and will redouble our efforts to ensure that the 20 th anniversary of the death of Sankara, scheduled for the 14, 15 and 16 2007 in Ougadougou will be the highlight the impact of  a revolutionary president, a light that will grow each day across Africa throughout the world and particularly   amongst the youth.

We reaffirm our willingness to fight against impunity which reigns in Burkina Faso as evident in the  order to dismiss the action commenced in the Zongo affair. We reaffirm our commitment to seek justice regarding the assassination of Thomas Sankara.

May 5th, 2007


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