The riots of the people in Burkina Faso have swept away Blaise Compaoré’s decadent regime. These days of the 30th and 31st of October 2014 became part of the History of a brave people, a mature people, a dignified people, and beyond that, it is also part of the History of Africa and the whole world. 27 years of reign by this bloodthirsty and megalomaniac dictator, it is enough!
The people have recovered its dishonored dignity and takes control of its fate with force, intelligence and conviction. These are moments of strong emotion and happiness.
In these decisive times, all the forces of Burkina Faso have united to end this corrupted regime that has benefited for too long of the support of the international community whereas it maintained its people in misery.
Up until the last moment, whereas Blaise Compaoré led his country to the chaos, some of these supports have suggested that he should lead the transition.
After this first victory, it is important that the militaries, the organizations of the civil societies and the political parties of the former opposition put quickly their heads together for a less vehement transition. As the people assured their victory, it important to quickly set up politics that are most importantly against the misery and fully answering to the aspirations of the people.
The international network of “Justice pour Thomas Sankara, Justice pour l’Afrique” bows to the wonderful people of Burkina Faso, especially to the youth, who marched ahead of the security forces with bare hands. Dozens of people have sacrificed their life! May them rest in peace and in our memory as heroes!
The network appreciates that the people put an end to this hypocrisy of the international community that regarded Blaise Compaoré as a “man of peace”, he, who was implicated in all these wars across the region, leading to hundreds of thousands of victims. All the progressive forces in Africa and in the whole world have to concretely support the revolution of Burkina Faso and organize a real solidarity.
Blaise Compaoré fled. He has to be arrested and judged for his crimes. We are demanding an international and independent enquiry about the assassination of the president Thomas Sankara and his comrades on the 15th of October 1987. To the members of the American Congress: we are demanding the opening of the archives of the time and that an investigation has to be led about the eventual implication of the CIA. To the French parliamentarian: we are demanding to accept the request for parliamentary enquiry about the assassination of Thomas Sankara, already submitted twice to the National Assembly of the French Republic on the 20th of June 2011 and on the 5th of October 2012. We are calling for Togo and Ivory Coast to demand that the implication of their country in this assassination gets exposed.
Democracy cannot persist with impunity. The campaign “Justice pour Thomas Sankara, Justice pour l’Afrique” is strong with 14,000 signatures already obtained ( and with the support of dozens of organizations and political parties from the world has to get bigger as Blaise Compaoré is benefiting from powerful supports that we will denounce tirelessly. We have, more than ever, to demand that justice is served. The hour of truth and justice is getting closer. Let’s hurry it all together!
Power to the Burkinabè people! Justice for Thomas Sankara and his comrades assassinated on the 15th of October 1987, justice for all these victims of economic assassinations and crimes!
The international network « Justice pour Sankara Justice pour l’Afrique »
The 2nd of November 2014, in Ouagadougou, Abidjan, Berlin, Dublin, Dakar, London, Paris, Rennes, Montpellier, New York, Washington, Bamako, Lomé, Nairobi, Madrid, Bruxelles, Turin, Ajaccio, Toulouse, Liège, Munich
Contact : contactjusticepoursankara at