Celebration Sankara A revolutionary Legacy (Washington DC ) October 13th 2007
Saturday, October 13th 2007
Location name 1234 street NW Washington DC, 200??
12 – 4pm
Free Admission!
October 15th, 2007 will mark the 20th anniversary of Thomas Sankara’s assassination. Sankara’s simplicity, high spirits, humor, honestly and generosity has inspired a generation of conscious young Africans, who see him in themselves. From 1983 to 1987 Sankara led a revolution in
Panel# 1 – Thomas Sankara and the Revolution in
· Program and methods of the Burkinabe revolution
· Economic development and the debt under Sankara
· Women’s Emancipation, education, and healthcare.
Panel# 2 Thomas Sankara, Pan-Africanism & Internationalism
· Sankara on French Imperialism
· Sankara, the internationalist
· Sankara and Pan-Africanism
· His assassination and the campaign for justice
Sankara Caravan:
Please RSVP by emailing sankaratribute@yahoo.com or call 202-123-4567.
> Celebration Sankara A revolutionary Legacy (Washington DC) October 13th 2007
Would you mind please giving more precise information on the location of the celebration (Street and street number ?). The phone number provided doesn’t seem to work either.
* Merci pour votre aide,