The information reached us during the night of 5 to 6 July. Blaise Compaoré is said to be about to visit Burkina Faso in order to engage in discussions on “reconciliation”.
Barely three months after Blaise Compaoré was sentenced to life imprisonment for the assassination of Thomas Sankara and his companions, the government that emerged from a military coup, whose legitimacy appears fragile, is preparing its amnesty. It thus clearly shows its contempt for the justice system of its country, following Blaise Compaoré who refused to appear at the trial.
Shortly before, we learned that Djibril Bassolé, sentenced to 10 years in prison for the September 2015 putsch against the Transition, was conducting an intense diplomatic campaign in the service of Blaise Compaoré, even though he had been evacuated to France for medical reasons.
This power takes us back to the darkest days of impunity. Many economic crimes, tortures and assassinations remain unpunished, which largely explains the decline in which Burkina Faso is sinking.
The population had largely expressed its sympathy for the military when they took power in January. It hoped that they would quickly neutralise the various armed groups that sow insecurity over much of the country.
Unable to reverse the trend, the government appears to be committed to restoring the old order of Blaise Compaoré’s time in power. It is necessary to recall the long list of crimes, trafficking of all kinds and complicity in the exactions or wars in which it participated in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, or by circumventing embargoes, notably for the warlord Jonas Savimbi in Angola.
In the face of this new crime, we call on the democratic forces of Burkina Faso and elsewhere in the world to protest vigourously to stop it.
We call on the Burkinabe justice system, independent of political power, to execute its judicial decision by arresting Blaise Compaoré as soon as he arrives on Burkinabe soil
We urge the International Criminal Court to initiate proceedings against Blaise Compaoré for his active complicity in the many crimes committed in neighbouring countries that remain unpunished to this day.
Since his health seems to permit it, given his diplomatic activity in various foreign countries, we demand that Djibril Bassolé return to serve his sentence in prison in Burkina.
Done in Ouagadougou, Montpellier, Sabadel (Catalonia), Paris, Bobo Dioulasso, Toronto, Nïmes, Barcelona, Ottawa, Albany, New YORK, Banfora, Turin, Ajaccio, Las Palmas, Agadir, Marseille, Niamey, Basel, Bamako, Grenoble, Oxford, Dakar, Munich, Berlin on 7 July 2022
The International Network Justice for Sankara Justice for Africa
Supported by Alternative Espaces Citoyens (Niger), Forum Civique Bamako (Mali), REPADD Niger (Pan-African Network for Peace, Democracy and Development), Working Group on Pan-Africanism Munich (Germany), CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debts), SURVIE (France), Per a Pace (Corsica), FuturAfrik (Berlin)
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As always Justice does not exist anymore this because people’s need to demand like the Air they breathe…….But the Spirits of All those who were murdered are before GOD…. demanding.. Retribution……the Goodes Karma..she will awake…and take care of pass due dees.
I miss Sankara