December 21, 2010, Thomas Sankara would have been 61.

To commemorate his assassination, Sam’K Le Jah and his friends will organize the second edition of ‘Sankara Revival’. This concert will be hold December 20 and 21st in Ouagadougou.

We have collected more than 5000 signatures that support ‘’Justice for Sankara, Justice for Africa’’ which can be found at . Well-known personalities, social and political organizations, and activists have signed it. Those people and organizations are from all around the world: Europe, Africa, Americas and Asia.

To pay tribute to Sankara, most of them have left very compelling and emotional messages highlighting what Thomas Sankara done for his country and the world while president.

They also comfort Sankara’s family and support the collective of international lawyers that handle ‘’Justice for Sankara, Justice for Africa’’.

They call the Burkinabe justice for actions as it is very slow to handle the case. It has not released any decision for 13 years.

They call also the United Nations Organizations for action. The signatories think it is not fair for this organization to satisfy the Burkinabe authority and do nothing to identify Sankara’s grave and investigate his assassination.

The people who signed the petition hope the French government and institutions will make public archives and demand inquiries about the involvement of French government in this assassination. According to many reliable sources, the French government had played a great role in this assassination.

From around the world, there is only one motto: ‘’Truth and Justice for Thomas Sankara’’.

Based on those supports, we are willing to move forward. Our next step is to collect 10000 signatures. That will help to amplify and spread to the world and mostly to media news about this Sankara’s murder because there must be ‘’Justice for Sankara, Justice for Africa’’.

The initiators of the petition ‘’Justice for Sankara, Justice for Africa’

contact : contactjusticepoursankara (at)


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